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A hostile invasion – or is it?

The round goby has spread like a wildfire throughout Danish waters since 2008, but should be fear this species?

The round goby is an invasive species in Danish waters. It was first observed in 2008 near the island of Bornholm. Since then, it has spread to large parts of the Baltic Sea and into Danish waters. In 2014, it was observed south of Køge and as far down as Langeland in southeast Denmark. Their numbers are huge – so many, in fact, that it is feared they are spreading uncontrollably. But it this really the case? “The round goby in Danish waters” research project seeks to study whether the round goby will spread from the relatively low-salinity coastal waters to other Danish waters with higher salinity, including Kattegat and the west coast of Jutland.

Duration: 2015-.

Partners: Jane Behrens, National Institute of Aquatic Resources – DTU Aqua.