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Do fish like artificial stone reefs?

The RevFisk project studies the behaviour of fish in different types of reef environments. The hope is to be able to reconstruct stone reefs in Danish waters to create better living conditions for fish.


Reefs provide excellent living conditions for fish and other sea creatures. Everyone knows about the beautiful coral reefs in the tropical oceans, but there are also reefs in the Nordic seas and channels.

The RevFisk project is a research project to study the behaviour of fish in different types of reef environments. The project is part of a larger research project focusing on reconstructing stone reefs in Danish waters. The hope is that the behaviour of the fish will give an idea of how well the new, reconstructed stone reefs work as habitats for various species of fish.

The behaviour of cod and wrasse is studied in different types of reef environments. Their behaviour is registered using underwater cameras, electronic tagging and a new computer program that can track and analyse the movements of the fish automatically.

Duration: 2014

Partners: Mikael Van Deurs, National Institute of Aquatic Resources – DTU Aqua, and BioRas, private analysis firm